4/10/2010: We had 15 yards of top soil delivered
to the house. The area where the railroad is going has quite a
slop that needs to be leveled out. Susan is helping me and we
shoveled all day Saturday and Sunday and only got about half moved
to the back yard.
4/17/2010: Before we can bring any more dirt
to the area I need to build a retaining wall in the slopped
area. I decided to use treated lumber as only part of the
wall will be visible. In the front I will be using pavers... but
that's another day.
I have revised my original plans to not
include any switches at this time but rather to be an over under
folded figure 8 of sorts.
Finished building the retaining wall
this past Saturday (4/24/2010) and with Susan's help moved about
half of the remaining dirt to fill in.